Monday, 22 September 2014


Just gone midnight it's Tuesday now, had a weird day, woke up feeling sick for good couple hours, Natalie having rough time with her ear, shit scared, not knowing what to do, life fucking sucks at times. 
Sort of in limbo, not knowing what to do, should just go bed, but can't be arsed with that, wanna just sit here, reflecting. Dunno why I do that. 

What does it achieve to reflect? I mean Yeh lessons to be learned, knowledge and wisdom to be formed but it never quite fulfills its desire. Reflecting. 

Anyway gotta ring work tomorrow to sort out first day shite , got me hours already for first week, mon, Thursday, Friday and Saturday I'm in, 8 til 6 I think, at least the first day anyway. 
So 1 day in and then two off straight away, may feel a bit disjointed a bit for a while then but so be it, it's what I need. Looking forward to it actually, to see how a proper company does it. 

Worried about my health in terms of work and whether it will get in the way at all.
 Fucking hope not.
I've written them a note to explain the issues I have. 

Anyway, still bored. Joint then bed most probs. 

Thought of the day: 
Hate Limbo.

In a bit

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