Friday, 27 February 2015


It's Early Saturday am Natalie has been feeling sick for days, non stop, finding it very hard and wow who can blame her?!
Poor thing. 
I've always regarded myself as terrible around people who are ill. Natalie is very vocal it helps her deal with it, and so I'm doing my best to do whatever I can to make it that little bit easier for her. Just hope I don't fuck it up somehow by saying the wrong thing or acting in a selfish manner. If only there was a way I could control my own action?? Haha.
What a dick! 
So yeh that's been happening the baby is the size of a raspberry apparently. It's mad. 
I'm reading about it, the stages etc getting involved and all that jazz. Wanna do it good this time round because only a fool repeats history. 
It's all been done proper though, married solid relationship, then baby, seems natural I guess. 

Back to work Monday. Phased return. 
3 hours so that's 8-11 this week piss easy to me but it's mad how tired you get after time off like this, but flexibility is amazing they even say if after 2 hours I'm done then just go home. Safe. Haha. 

Lauren doing ok she has the MEN1 sadly. In one way it's cool because she is the only person I know who has it but I really really hope she doesn't suffer like me and the chances of that are very low as I wasn't diagnosed until I was 34. 

Sian apologised. I was genuinely taken back by it but reaffirmed my faith in her also it meant she must respect Natalie and that's the most important thing. Very pleased. 


In a bit 

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